Rapper ‘Gunna’ has decoded the meaning of the viral phrase ‘Pushing P,’ which has gone viral on social media, particularly on TikTok. Gunna, is an American (Atlanta) rapper, collaborated with Future and Young Thug on the tune “pushin P” earlier in the month of January 2022.
The song soon went viral, and it is currently a popular TikTok trend. Even the words to the song are being shared on Twitter and Instagram stories.
Those who use social media regularly have probably seen the term ‘Pushin P’ strewn across their feeds, generally accompanied by the capital, bright-blue P emoji.
This new tendency can be perplexing to people who are unfamiliar with it. Fortunately, the artist who created the viral song has revealed what the lyrics represent.
What does “Pushing P” mean?
“Pushing P” is a regional term that has been used in various sections of the U.S, particularly in the South, for years. However, in other parts of the country, the phrase has little meaning. Thankfully, Gunna has clarified what the term means on Twitter after claiming during an appearance on The Breakfast Club that the letter “P” stands for “player.”
Despite the lack of a formal definition, “pushing P” fundamentally implies “keeping it genuine,” and is typically regarded as a positive trait.
He wrote, “Being Loyal Is Definitely P.”
“Jumping into a person’s feud or situation when you have no idea what’s going on, Not,” he added. Following her explanation of the term on Twitter, Gunna went live on Instagram to show further examples of what was and wasn’t considered “P.”
He explained, “F—king your partner’s main b—-h, that ain’t P.” “When you see a lady at the door, you keep the door open for her, buddy,” P says. Do you get what I’m saying? We’re putting a lot of pressure on P. I’m not a difficult guy, and I’m not going back and forth with my spouse over money. “That ain’t P,” says the narrator.
Although Gunna normally refers to “player” with a “p,” some people refer to “paper” with a “p.”
How to use “Pushing P”?
Now that you know where the letter P came from and how to spell it, can you use it in a sentence? P and “pushing P” can be utilised in a variety of ways, just like their meaning. The most prevalent iteration is a literal paraphrase of Gunna’s song, which uses the verb “pushing P” as a noun. P, on the other hand, can be used as an adjective with a similar meaning. (Example: “That’s P,” or “That’s Not P.”)
Gunna also suggested kicking P on one of his livestreams, according to Complex. The statement appears to refer to a futile attempt to persuade P, as Gunna uses the example of renting vs. owning a property. What about the latter? You guessed correctly. Is putting pressure on P.
You may now be on your Ps and Qs about everything pushing P, from its geographical origins to its meme-ified appeal.
‘Pushing P’ has gone super viral on TikTok.
Even as Gunna has begun to clarify what his song is about, the song and the lyric at its centre have become extremely popular on TikTok. Because of the hashtag’s intrinsic virality, videos containing it have been viewed millions of times. Gunna has even joined in the fun, commenting on famous videos to assess how precisely they employed the phrase.
“Pushing P” is the newest example of viral slang that has gone mainstream as a result of its widespread use on social media. Many of the words that have become popular as a result of TikTok started there, but that isn’t the case here. Instead, “pushing P” has quickly evolved from a phrase only heard in one part of the country to something that almost everyone on social media is aware of.
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